
Fines de Claire Vertes Label Rouge

Product available from November to May.

This is the top of the range Fine oysters from Claire Marennes-Oléron. Slightly more fleshy than the Fine de Claire, rich in water and balanced in flavors. The Fine de Claire Verte Label Rouge has the unique characteristic of associating the whiteness and greenness of the gills, testimony to its greening in Claire. Caliber N ° 2 - N ° 4 (depending on product availability).

Natural greening of oysters in clear.

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Oyster Fine de Claire Verte Marennes Oléron | Fonteneau in Charente Maritime France
Oyster Fine de Claire Verte Label Rouge Marennes Oléron France | New water-repellent and 100% recyclable packaging

Fonteneau oysters Ocean freshness